- About
- Experience
Pro Bono lies at the core of our values and our professional practice. Appreciating the need of low-income individuals for skilled legal services and founded in a spirit of personal and professional responsibility, we are committed to our duties of good citizenship and dedicated to enhancing the community that we live and work in. Our extensive practice allows us to handle a wide variety of Pro Bono matters, including housing, real estate and inheritance, immigration and visas, not-for-profit and small-enterprise advising, education, COVID-19 relief assistance, entity formation, unemployment benefits and employment litigation.
As we believe that Pro Bono engagements have to be voluntary, we have not instituted a mandatory Pro Bono program at our Firm and left the matter to the mindful choice of our lawyers. Thus, it is our professional aspiration to provide at least 50 hours of Pro Bono work per year per each lawyer of our firm.
Among many other Pro Bono matters handled by the Firm, our lawyers at AZIP recently have:
Assisted a legal guardian requesting COVID-19 tuition payment reductions in pre-trial negotiations with an education institution;
Assisted an elderly person on distribution of an intestate property, and reclaiming the part of the estate renounced by other issues and escheated to the state;
Assisted a bereaved minor in filing an appeal with the migration authority in connection with the denial of her residence permit and student visa;
Counseled an individual in a complex dispute against a state authority stemming from the wrongful termination of unemployment insurance payments;
Provided counselling to an individual claiming compensation for the part of his deposit exceeding the ADIF (state deposit insurance fund) deposit insurance amount;
Assisted an educational start-up in preparation and submission of the required documentation for formation and registration of a limited liability company;
Assisted a not-for-profit organization in revamping its corporate structure and preparation of new corporate by-laws as well as state registration of the accompanying changes to its charter.